
BDI Services

BDI Service Objective

The right part

At the right time

At the lowest total cost

BDI Cost Saving Project

Assist in managing inventory on BDI assigned commodities

Application upgrade and design for cost saving

Periodic training to the customer

Productivity enhancements and life extend for cost saving

Global centralized purchasing for cost saving

Interchange OEM items to industry standards

BDI Circle of Services

大理市| 扶风县| 怀仁县| 九台市| 曲靖市| 池州市| 水城县| 甘洛县| 页游| 敦煌市| 沙田区| 琼中| 青神县| 县级市| 读书| 海兴县| 阆中市| 泌阳县| 平凉市| 弥勒县| 龙江县| 博乐市| 云和县| 县级市| 银川市| 齐齐哈尔市| 新竹县| 乐都县| 吉安市| 佛山市| 南木林县| 张掖市| 德惠市| 循化| 玉山县| 茶陵县| 桐乡市| 苏州市| 华亭县| 衡南县| 正定县|